Fundamentals of Computer Security
Fundamentals of Computer Security
Pillar 1: Offering high quality short and long courses, research and consultancy Welding and fabrication Mechanical Electrical Instrumentation and control Pipeline operations HSE courses Oil and gas processing Firefighting Drilling & well control Non-technical O&G related Advisory services and research Pillar 2: Infrastructure: Creating a modern, safe and inspiring learning environment
Kenya Ongoing TVET reforms and improvement – still facing common challenges Draft Kenyan Qualification Framework available Working towards Competency Based Education and Training (TVET CDACC) Working towards TVETA registration and accreditation Many graduates (800.000 annually) but with skills mismatch! No international occupational and training standards East Africa Tanzania over 10.000 skilled workers are required for…
KPC employees Kenyan trainees holding a National Certificate, Diploma or Degree who wish to enroll for practical skills development VTCs, TTIs, Polytechnics offering related Oil and Gas courses Employees of subcontractors, OMGs, and international oil companies covering upstream, midstream and downstream Employees working in other related sectors to which the skills can be “transferred” Trainees…
Kenya KPC requirement of 2.500 technicians for pipeline expansion More skilled labour required for achieving KPC Vision 2025 Upstream activities foreseen for the year 2022 Tullow Oil requires skilled labour for well drilling operations Local content policies in place which should promote development of local skills World Bank indicates that emerging oil, gas and mining…